

Thanks to the scientific knowhow and constant updates, ProBioEtna offers probiotic solutions for the human well-being.


The functional features of probiotics are validated through in vitro and in vivo efficacy studies.


ProBioEtna offers general microbiological services for the isolation and characterization of probiotic strains and for the identification of metabolic and functional characteristics. In particular ProBioEtna is involved in research activities related to:


– Isolation of probiotic strains for human and animal use
– In vitro evaluation of probiotic properties
– Evaluation of probiotic stability under different storage conditions
– Evaluation of intestinal transit
– Bacterial adhesion tests
– Immune modulation assays on cell lines
– Evaluation of safety performance
– Design and management of clinical trial


Thanks to more than 25 years of experience in the microbiology field and the knowledge related to the development of starter culture, the use of natural extracts for food preservation, the evaluation of both composition and dynamics of the microbiota associate to several complex ecosystems, ProBioEtna also offers the following services:
– Evaluation of technological performances of microorganisms of food interest


– Formulation of starters for food fermentation
– Evaluation of the effect of prebiotic substances, natural extracts, and microbial metabolites


Customized services are available on specific requests. For more information or to request a quote, contact us at we look forward to work with you for the achievement of your goals.